59% of Portuguese avoid the most tourist places, reveals Huawei


Huawei revealed that 59% of people in Portugal avoid some of the most beautiful and iconic places abroad when they are on vacation. Led by Huawei following the recent launch of the Huawei P20 Pro (which incorporates the world's first three-lens camera into a smartphone ), the study that focused on more than 1,000 people revealed that overcrowding the struggle to get the right angle or the ideal illumination (19%) and the inability to get close (18%) were identified as the main reasons why the Portuguese can not not capturing good pictures of the most beloved tourist monuments in Europe [19659003]

  • Lisbon, Portugal

    Top 10 most difficult places to photograph in Portugal (according to the Portuguese respondents):
    1. Palácio da Peña, Sintra [19659006] Ponte Vasco de Gama, Lisbon
    2. Quinta da Regaleira, Sintra
    3. Jeronimos, Lisbon
    4. National Palace of Sintra
    5. Bridge Dom Luis I, Porto
    6. Torre dos Clérigos, Porto
    7. Castle of São Jorge, Lisbon
    8. Guimarães Castle
    9. Belém Tower, Lisbon

    Portuguese tourists spend 6 million hours viewing and photographing monuments, with more than half (58%) more in addition frustrated to try to capture the perfect shot of the holidays. The youngest generation in Portugal is the most anxious age group when it comes to getting a perfect picture, with 64% of 18-24 year olds becoming more anxious, and 1 out of 10 (10%) taking an average "We are committed to identifying and minimizing the most common frustrations that people face with technology," said Andrew Garrihy, director of marketing, Huawei Western Europe. "By combining the most advanced camera system with the most intelligent camera experience, the Huawei P20 Pro is capable of bringing the perfection of photos to a smartphone helping people to easily capture the perfect shot "

    Overpopulation at Ascension

    In line with the growing popularity of city breaks the Europeans, the most famous tourist attractions are nowadays # In the face of heavy influx, with 74% of Portuguese tourists the most popular monuments are overpopulated. This problematic aspect is reproduced in all the countries considered in the study, with 83% of the total of interviewees throughout Europe, considering that many obligatory tourist sites are crowded . The situation seems to worsen as the number of visitors increases each year. France, the most visited country in the world, attracted 82 million tourists in 2016, Spain received 76 million and Italy 53 million.

    Tourists in Trouble

    The study also revealed the ten most frustrating sites. countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany and Italy, among others. Respondents from all over Europe voted for the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland as the most difficult to photograph (18%), followed by the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps (12%) and the head of Work of Gaudí, Sagrada Família,

    When it comes to photographing local monuments and looking at our country, the study reveals that almost 1 in 5 people in Portugal is exasperated by the Palácio da Pena in Sintra (17%), closely followed by the Vasco da Gama bridge in Lisbon (15%) and the Quinta de Regaleira in Sintra (15%).

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