Not even the MIUI 10 has arrived for everyone and the Xiaomi is already talking about MIUI 11


Xioami finished the month of May to introduce the world to its new high-end smartphone, Mi 8 and its new interface to MIUI 10, which has already begun to be available in beta for many users, but what is slow to massively reach the brand's smartphones. It is certain that MIUI 11 should arrive only next year, but it is already starting to be discussed and it is probably already prepared by the team of programmers.

MIUI 11 – A user-centric interface

A team of programmers from MIUI 10 of Xioami wrote an article where some considerations regarding the development of this version of the interface user are woven and it is in this text that for the first time a reference to version 11 appeared.

To reach the public in a massive way, it is natural that there is already a vision of what we want to present in the future.

The needs of the user will be the target of the new version of the system with even more responsive features but, MIUI 10 fits large format 18: 9, but the MIUI 11 can not only be adapted to it must be perfectly developed for these large screens, where it will be control by gestures to send.

The optimization of resources and battery consumption will certainly be points that will be well developed in the future version, as well as

What brings back the MIUI 10?

The MIUI 10 is being prepared to reach a large number of models of the brand and, in addition to aesthetic changes, it brings

Menu applications recently redesigned

The new menu of applications recent uses the new screens 18: 9 to better enjoy the layout of the windows of each application [19659004]   miui 10 recent applications

Modes of gesture navigation have also been added to facilitate interaction, as Scanning to Eliminate Applications or

Sounds of Nature Inspired Notifications

As in Samsung's Touchwiz, Xiaomi also decided to take inspiration from nature to develop notifications.

 miui 10 notifications

You can now, for example, use the sound of a fall to warn you of a new notification.

Drizzle – Relax or fall asleep with the sounds of nature

Xiaomi introduces in the MIUI 10 the Drizzle, a feature that allows you to set a timer for the reproduction of a sound associated with it Natural environment.

 miui 10 drizzle

This is an interesting way for those who like this kind of sounds to fall asleep or to go into a more relaxed state.

Renewed Volume and Brightness Control Buttons

In clear inspiration in iOS, Xiaomi remodeled the control presentation and the volume and brightness to function as sliders.

 miui 10 volume control and brightness

To customize these items, a slide in any area of ​​the screen is not limited to the specific area of ​​the [19659009] Optimized system for better performance

At the time when various brands are banking on performance enhancing systems, such as Huawei 's machine learning, Xiaomi is also trying to' s. introduce basic features to accelerate the performance of their smartphones.

 miui 10 optimizations performance

The Chinese brand then announces the inclusion of "lock-free path" and "co-dependet priorizing" functionalities to speed up (f, b, e , v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f .fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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