Fallout 76 is not an indicator of the future of Bethesda games


Bethesda Game Studios boss, Todd Howard, recently told GamesIndustry.biz of the fear that the Fallout 76 online will indicate that Bethesda will be moving away from the solo games at which the company is so attached. 19659002] "That does not mark the future," Howard began. "Elder Scrolls Online is one of the largest online games in the world, we have Fallout Shelter, which we continue to update, and Elder Scrolls: Legends

" Who ever said "C & # 39; is the future and this part of the game is dead "has always proved that it was fake. We like to try everything. For a long time, we wanted to make a multiplayer game, and we got that idea. We should not be afraid. We should try. "

Although we do not yet know the most haunting ads from Bethesda Game Studios at E3 2018, Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI, these comments mean that Fallout 76 will not set a precedent for gameplay.

Fallout 76 will be an entirely online game, but Howard mentioned that you will be able to play solo with only other players in your world.There will be no non-human NPCs and real people will occupy the traditional roles of Fallout, raiders, and others

Todd Howard confirmed that while Fallout 76 is played online, it does not offer cross-play because Sony does not play any games. is not "as useful as everyone would like. "

Fallout 76 will be released on November 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC

Abílio Rodrigues [of Rivia] is the technological editor of IGN Portugal, I admit, music lover and enthusiast video game. the PC.You can follow it on @KaikaneTR

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