easyJet takes off with 17,500 pounds on board


The & # 39; Flybraries & # 39; – an initiative to encourage reading easyJet – will present books translated into different languages, with classics such as The Jungle Book, Peter Pan or Alice In Wonderland

easyJet, a project company & # 39; Flybraries & # 39 ;, an initiative to encourage reading, which includes some of the leading classics of children's literature aboard 300 aircraft with 17,500 copies translated into 7 languages ​​including Portuguese

With the launch of this campaign, easyJet aims to promote reading and literacy to children's audiences by offering a range of children's books on 300 aircraft, including classics such as Jungle Book, Alice in Wonderland or Peter Pan, for a total of of 17,500 copies, available in 7 languages ​​

The initiative & # 39; Flybraries & # 39; follows the most recent results of the P rogress in the International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), which indicates that Portuguese Grade 4 pupils deteriorated reading performance between 2011 and 2016, from 541 to 528 points (in down 13 points).

For Pedro Sousa, marketing director at easyJet for Spain and Portugal, "is an initiative that brings together entertainment and pedagogy, idealized, not just thinking about children, but also about parents. the flight is a rewarding, fun and memorable experience not only for adults but also for children, and we believe putting them in direct contact with some of the greatest classics of children's literature will be a rewarding experience at all levels "

Of the 50 countries tested in the 2016 edition, Portugal ranks 30th. In 2011, the first year the country participated in PIRLS, Portugal ranked 19th. The same study indicates that only 7% of students assessed had a high reading level, slightly lower than the European average (12%).

"We try to make each of our actions have a purpose and that it can be a useful way for our community, and recent PIRLS numbers are naturally worrisome and we want to make a contribution to improving this scenario, "concluded Pedro Sousa.

In addition to the educational component, all children from 6 to 12 years old from all over Europe, in any language, will be invited to participate in a contest where they can win trips for the whole of family. Under the theme "Flight of Imagination", participants should write 400-word stories that complete the sentence: "I looked out the window and saw …"

Winners will receive free flights for their family and have their character drawn as an illustrator who will appear on the cover of Traveler magazine.

Tina Milton, director of EasyJet Cabin Crew, states that "this summer we will be transporting five million families across Europe and our book-sharing library will be stocked with over 17,500 books ready to be read by children.Reading is imperative to stimulate the development, vocabulary and imagination of a child, and a flight offers the perfect opportunity for them to hang on to a book.We are passionate about creating family-friendly initiatives that make our flights easy for parents. "

The initiative is supported by the National Literacy Trust, which in partnership with easyJet aims to to encourage children to read more books during school holidays. The partnership also involves a series of fun activities that can be done during the summer, also encouraging children's literacy after air travel



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