To this day, Uber Eats – food delivery application to the Uber House – is available in the regions of Oeiras, Cascais and Estoril.
O Uber Eats is available in more than 220 cities around the world. In Portugal, it was launched in November 2017 in Lisbon and in May 2018 in the city of Porto.
Uber Eats connects users to their favorite restaurants in the city and, for the moment, the offer already includes more than 650 restaurants available in Portugal . With the application Uber Eats, it is possible to order meals for all tastes, occasions and places, always with no minimum value per order every day from 12:00 to 00:00. <img data-attachment-id = "350523" "https://canoticias.pt/uber-eats-chega-oeiras-cascais-estoril/_dsc6959-1/" data-orig-file = "https: / /canoticias-sqpn0japclmw8ioyo9j.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/DSC6959-1.jpg "data-orig-size =" 987,720 "data-comments-open =" 1 "data-image-meta = "{" opening ":" 0 "," credit "" "," iso ":" 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," 0 "," Uber Eats arrives at Oeiras, Cascais and Estoril "data-image-description ="
Uber Eats
"data-medium-file =" https://canoticias-sqpn0japclmw8ioyo9j.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/DSC6959-1.jpg "data-large-file =" https: // canoticias -sqpn0japclmw8ioyo9j.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/DSC6959-1.jpg "class =" aligncenter full-size wp-image-350523 "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAP /// wAAACwAAAAAAQABAEACAkQBADs = "data-lazy-src =" https://canoticias-sqpn0japclmw8ioyo9j.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/DSC6959-1.jpg "alt =" CA News Uber Eats arrives at Oeiras, Cascais and Estoril "width =" 987 "height =" 720 "/>
Uber is eating
"data-medium-file =" https://canoticias-sqpn0japclmw8ioyo9j.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/DSC6959-1.jpg "data-large-file =" https: // canoticias -sqpn0japclmw8ioyo9j.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/DSC6959-1.jpg "class =" aligncenter full-size wp-image-350523 "src =" https: //canoticias-sqpn0japclmw8ioyo9j.netdna -ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/DSC6959-1.jpg "alt =" CA News Uber Eats arrives at Oeiras, Cascais and Estoril "width =" 987 "height =" 720 "/>
Typical restaurants with the most popular brands, with the Uber Eats any meal is just a touch.The user only has to choose from a wide choice of food options, all conveniently available in the application, and delivery will be fast, usually completed in less than 30 minutes.
Uber Eats will be available from Paço de Arcos in the village of Cascais. Local streams such as Confraria, Gulli, Gordinni, Majestic Burger, Villa Sabóia and Grow Healthy. The list of more than 70 restaurants includes a partnership with McDonald's, Joshua, Noori, Quasi Pronti, Prego Gourmet, Mayura, American Music Burguer, among others.
Map after service extension in the Oeiras, Cascais and Estoril regions:
Cover map
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Cover map
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