WhatsApp displays the "last view" of users who have already disabled the feature. The problem has been noticed in the web and desktop versions of the messenger, and also, in some cases, in the mobile application. Thanks to Twitter, users have reported the problem, but not everyone has been touched.
"Last Visit" reveals to WhatsApp contacts the last time anybody was online. As such, many people prefer to disable the feature because it can signal when the person opened the app and would have read a message and chose not to respond. Who can turn off the feature also can not see the times that their contacts were entered in the application for the last time.
Bug in WhatsApp is able to show the last view of who disabled the function. The company is aware of the problem.
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WhatsApp stated that he "is aware of this bug and is working to fix it." There is no prediction as to when it will be closed. To top it off, there is no solution for users to avoid or even solve the problem. There is nothing left to wait.
The confirmation of reading was not reached by the messenger's failure. So, by disabling the famous blue check, no one can be sure that a message has actually been read or not, even knowing when WhatsApp was last opened.
All other WhatsApp privacy options work normally. We hope that the WhatsApp staff will quickly solve the problem, as many people worry about learning that such information is not blocked.
Now we have to wait for the next stages of society. And so wait for a solution. And you, were you also affected by the problem? Tell us if you noticed something different.
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