Apple again beat Google in the sale of apps and mobile games in the first half of 2018, although overall growth benefited both companies. According to Sensor Tower Store Intelligence data, users of the Play Store and the App Store have spent a total of $ 34.4 billion in games and applications during the first half of 2018. accounted for a 27.8% growth in
Of this amount, however, $ 22.6 billion was spent on Apple's online store, leaving $ 11.8 billion in the Google equivalent. In comparison, the App Store was thus recording a 90% higher business figure – platform users spending 1.9 times more than what was spent in the Play Store during the first half of the year.
revealed 51 billion first-time application installations on both platforms, up 11.3% in the first two quarters of 2017; during the period, there were 45.8 billion facilities in the two virtual stores. On the other hand, the four most downloaded apps during the first half of 2018, considering the two ecosystems, were composed by WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook and Instagram.
The growth of Google Play is higher
Although Apple has once again led the sale of mobile applications around the world, does that is that In terms of growth, who took the best was Mountain View. The Google Play business figure with applications and games increased by 29.7% in the first half of 2017;
In addition, the report also revealed that Netflix was the non-gaming application with the highest overall revenue, followed by Tinder and Tencent Video. 19.1% higher in mobile games
However, regardless of the mobile platform, the niche that continues to make money from mobile phones in the world is that of games. According to the analyst, spending on mobile gaming has increased 19.1% from one year to the next during the first six months of 2018, with a total of $ 26.6 billion spent on the App Store and Google Play, or 78% while the app store grew 15.1% over the same period in 2017, generating $ 16.3 million. In terms of global business, Google Play recorded $ 10.3 billion, up 26% from the year before.
The most downloaded titles are PUBG Mobile Tencent, Helix Jump by Voodoo and the Subway Surfers by Kiloo. Considering the inter-platform popularity, however, they lead to the best Honor of the Kings Tencent, Monster Strike Mixi, and Fate / Grand Order
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