Pine did not disrespect the assembly with silences because he had "warned what was coming"


Ricardo Sá Fernandes, a lawyer for Manuel Pinho, said on Tuesday that the former minister of the economy would have only ignored the parliament in the absence of answers on any relations with the country. GHG in case "he would not have warned what was going to happen"

Manuel Pinho did not wish to provide clarifications to the journalists after the hearing before the parliamentary committee of the economy, innovation and public works, which took place this afternoon in the Assembly of the Republic.

During dozens of questions from deputies regarding the possible payments that the Espírito Santo Group (GES) received as Minister of Economy from the government of José Sócrates, Manuel Pinho has always refused to answer because they were "under judicial assessment", leaving had clearly previously imposed the rules to access "invitation" resulting from the request of the PSD [19659002] Ricardo Sá Fernandes reiterated that "Manuel Pinho has the right to choose the part of his defense "and" came to the Assembly of the Republic clarifying that he would talk about energy policy and not about the case that is the subject of an investigation Judiciary until I know exactly what it is that the investigation. "

" It would be a lack of respect if he had not warned what was going to happen According to Sá Fernandes, Manuel Pinho "responded to everything except what he said before And he would not answer. "

" I've always said that Manuel Pinho will not leave any questions unanswered, now who choose the territory of the defense is it. Manuel Pinho has already had his reputation destroyed, he was massacred because I do not remember anyone in Portuguese democracy on the basis of news drawn from a process in which he has not yet been heard. The defense attorney went further: "You will realize at that time, why he does not come to an explanation."

"There are substantial reasons why Manuel Pinho understands that this is not the time to answer these questions."

After Sá Fernandes, it is the turn of the Social Democrat MP Emídio Guerreiro to address reporters, starting by saying that "the PSD deserved to insist on achievement" I do not think it is very correct to use the parliament for this type of defense, just as, in theory, it does not seem to me correct that Manuel Pinho does not make statements to the press, but his lawyer Manuel Pinho wanted to refer only to one of the questions of the application and even in this one he was referring mainly to those who were interested in it. "" I regret that Manuel Pinho wasted this opportunity, "he criticizes

. to put an end to a set of speculations that have been on the public square for nearly three months. The option was not to respond to PSD, BE, CDS-PP and PCP. Dr. Manuel Pinho did not answer questions that he did not want, "he said.

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