Instagram now shows when you and your friends are online


From this Thursday (19) everyone who follows you can know when you are online to receive direct messages on Instagram. The company announced in an official message that the platform now had a status indicator in the mail section

. In this way, a small green dot appears at the bottom right of the user's image to indicate that the person is connected.

The true circle indicates who is online on the platform (Photo: Disclosure)

However, "you will only see the status of the friends who follow you"

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If you want to disable this option, simply go to "Settings" and in the "Privacy and security" section, tap "Activity status" Users can not see you online or you can see them (Photo: Wagner Wakka / Canaltech)

With this, people do not know when you are online On the other hand You will not check the status of others.

The tool has entered the platform a few hours after Instagram has started to sync Messenger contacts. Novelty makes your Instagram friends appear as Messenger contacts , what can make it easier for those who want to use the messenger to chat.

In addition to these new features, the social network has also tested other tools such as deleting subscribers for public profiles and the ability to silence messages and stories on Instagram

Source: Instagram

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