Sporting with accounts given in guarantee of the debt to the Treasury and the Social Security – Sporting


The Expresso advance this Saturday that the accounts of Sporting at Novo Banco and Caixa Geral de Depósitos are pledged by debts to the Treasury and Social Security compared to April and May, coinciding with the beginning of the sports crisis. According to the weekly, the club owed 2 089 million euros to the Treasury for April and 2,299 million euros for the month of May. At Social Security, Sporting had "a debt of 862 thousand euros corresponding to the month of May". To these debts adds a total debt to suppliers of nearly 40 million euros, half of which will be debts "that have already exceeded the"

However, writes the newspaper, "the Management Commission, which took office in mid-June, has already settled the IRS benefits for the month of April and also the value

" The report on the low cash position of the club is reported in a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the auditor SAD green and white, which was delivered this month and to which the Expresso had access, "can be read in the article. "The Management Committee expects that the financial contributions resulting from the sales of William Carvalho to Betis (for which Sporting has already received 16 million euros, but whose activity could reach 20) and Gelson Martins (planned by At. To help balance the accounts, "says the weekly [1 9659004]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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