The APB refutes the negative study of Portuguese banks on bank charges


The Portuguese Banking Association (APB) contests the findings of an analysis by consulting firm Deloitte, which concludes that the Portuguese pay twice as much bank fees compared to the Spanish

"L & # APB estimates that in basic banking "

" Thus, the great disproportion between Portugal and Spain that suggests Deloitte's study does not seem to correspond to reality ", emphasizes- he

. January of this year, the APB commissioned a comparative study on bank commissions "to a reputed consultant" whose findings will be presented in due time

The APB says that the study presents several faults comparing non comparable services and containing "negative distortion". very important compared to Portugal ", because it does not provide a detailed comparison of the services provided by the

In a statement published Wednesday on its website," the Portuguese bank is still well in the comparison presented in the ". study analyzed, with an average price lower than the European average. "

] According to the Deloitte study – commissioned by the Spanish Banking Association – the average annual price of banking services in Portugal is 78 euros while in Spain it is 38. The study analyzes the prices of financial services in seven countries: Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands

In Portugal , Deloitte analyzed the commissions of New Bank, Millennium BCP, Santander and ActivoBank, which account for more than 50% of the ATMs available in the country.

What APB says

For APB " the conclusions of the study are li By not concentrating the analysis on a limited number of services of major importance for the consumers and actually comparable, the study hardly solves the difficulties of relevance and rigor of the reference system [19659011] compared on commissions. "

further criticizes the fact that the study compares" eleven Spanish banks with about three in the other Member States "and does not include, for example, Caixa Geral de Dep

He says that "it seems to induce a great ambiguity and vagueness", the presentation of a global value based on an average of the commissions of a large group of services

It emphasizes that "whenever comparisons are made of these packages, it is necessary to know precisely which services are included and if they are in fact comparable. "

One of the main criticisms of the study is the ATM network. According to the PDB, the fact that the analysis does not seem to take into account the different characteristics of the platforms available in the different countries "is a very significant negative distortion compared to Portugal".

"In the case of Portugal this question is very relevant, since the r

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