Allegri and the arrival of Ronaldo: "This generated too much euphoria and this is not good" – Italy


Saturday, at 18:05, Juventus will face Benfica in another game of the International Champions Cup in which Cristiano Ronaldo will not be present. Always on vacation, the Portuguese will only join colleagues in Italy, but at press conferences that he gives, Massimiliano Allegri still has a question on the CR7 to answer. "Cristiano has great international experience and that will help us a lot, but we have to be careful, there is too much euphoria around us and" We will be more aggressive because we have seen a lot of victories and now there is a great player like him, they will accept it and they will also be more motivated, "said the coach Italian

Regarding the duel with Benfica, the helmsman of the Vecchia Signora admits to waiting "We work well in the United States, especially on the defensive side," he said, "the Saturday duel will be exciting because it will allow us to play against high level opponents. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
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