KPMG "will take all measures" to defend its name and reputation


KPMG accuses the speculation of the news that was published on the former auditor of BES and states that "he will take all measures within his reach" to defend his name and reputation.

The newspaper Expresso announced Saturday that the Securities and Exchange Commission (CMVM) was investigating the auditor because of BES and could proceed to an indictment in 2018. [19659002] "KPMG has reaffirmed its commitment to continue to cooperate with the supervisory authorities as it has always done, in accordance with and respect for the applicable law [incluindo o segredo de justiça] but continue to resolutely defend the reputation and professional reputation of the company, its partners and employees

Last Saturday, the newspaper's economic newspaper headline was "KPMG lied and concealed information." no "The news reported that the auditors and five members of his staff, including President Sikander Sattar, are accused by the Bank of Portugal of violating their reporting obligations on BES Angola

"KPMG regrets and sees with extreme concern the sequence repeated news that was published in some media, with manifestly speculative content and in flagrant violation of the basic principles of the rule of law, "says the listener.

He regrets "the manner in which, essentially reflecting a non-impartial version of the relevant facts, which does not correspond for the most part to the manner in which KPMG's audit work was actually conducted, ultimately undermine to the reputation and reputation of KPMG, its partners and collaborators. "

Stresses that as an auditor of BES – which had been the subject of a resolution it four years ago – "he was performing his duties with professional rigor and in accordance with the demanding ethical and deontological principles."

"It is with the same rigor, and according to the same principles, that". it has always been linked to the supervisory authorities in Portugal, and this has been and will continue to be proven within our own bodies, for example, it is within the framework of this close cooperation that the bodies concerned have defined significant adjustments of 3.5 mil EUR for BES accounts in June 30, 2014. "

He points out that" he has always guided his activity in close collaboration with all regulators, including the CMVM. "