Volkswagen has been preparing for some time to reach a new record with its prototype electric competition, the ID. A. After mastering the events on the ramp, such as the American Pikes Peak, the manufacturer's competition department is studying the behavior of its tram in the circuits, the next being the legendary Nürburgring.
On the practical side, this attempt by VW will be as futile as Porsche's recently conducted – because there is no direct comparison – the one that did not participate in the 2017 World Heavyweight Championship with the 919 Hybrid, took the same car and modified it to make it faster (thus not complying with any kind of regulation), to break a record belonging to the late driver Stefan Bellof, killed by a Porsche, which would establish better tour of the circuit in 1983, during the qualifying session for the 1000 km Nürburgring.
The R-ID is extremely efficient and fast but, like Porsche, it is not comparable to any other vehicle that rolls on the German track, where all standard cars will try to achieve the best lap time by boasting of to be the best in their category segments. But it's easier to understand the option of VW, which is launching a full range of battery-powered vehicles, starting with ID to be showcased at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September, where This is why he is committed to proving that electric locomotion is as fast or faster as combustion engine models.
If it's impossible to have a good time at the Nürburgring, VW has to face Peugeot's reaction to the German record on the Pikes Peak Ramp. In the climb to 20 km, curiously almost as much as it has the layout of the German track that will face the German constructor, the Id. R became the new record holder (7.57.148) among electrically powered cars. But he also beat the best time of the general classification (8.13.878), owned by Sébastien Loeb, on the Peugeot 208 T16.
In an interview with Top Gear, Peugeot Sport director Bruno Famin was not surprised by VW ID R, with only 680 hp and a generous 1100 kg, beat the 208 T16, which announced 875 hp and 975 kg . He said he "hoped the Germans had done better" than beat the French car in 17 seconds in 2013, he said, "there is at least another 10 to 15 seconds left to break the record. "
Asked about the return of Peugeot on the American ramp in order to recover the best possible time, Famin said that this "will not happen in the near future", because developing a vehicle specifically for this purpose "requires a considerable investment". Which, apparently, the French are saving for a special event – which is a shame, because a battle between them would do wonders for the competition.
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