ANACOM recently learned that the price of calls to 707 and 708 numbers will drop significantly.
According to the authorities in charge of communications, the price will fall between 10% and 48%, depending on whether calls to these numbers are made from a landline or mobile phone.
Cheapest calls to numbers 707 and 708 ...
Phone numbers beginning with 707 and 708 are associated with companies or other entities to provide various information or to provide donations. If the calls to these numbers are made from a mobile phone, the price defined by ANACOM is 0.13 euro per minute (excluding VAT), compared to 0.25 euro (excluding VAT) per minute that they currently cost, which is translated by a reduction of 48%.
In the case of fixed telephones, the price drops by 10%, to 0.09 euro per minute (excluding VAT), against 0.10 euro (excluding VAT).
These reductions reflect the decline in wholesale mobile call prices in recent years and the need to maintain consistent margins between the different types of fixed and mobile calls for these numbers.
According to ANACOM, the new maximum retail prices will allow at least an overall annual savings to end users in the range of 6 to 7 million euros. It should be noted that the setting of a maximum retail price does not prevent suppliers with the numbers "707" and "708" from applying prices lower than the tariff ceilings established in the decision of ANACOM, so that users can be higher.
You can also read here some of ANACOM's recommendations.
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