A total eclipse of the Moon to see in Portugal – Cincias


For the phenomenon to be observable, the sky must be clean and the line of horizon, the spring, unhindered. It is possible to observe it with the naked eye, with binoculars, glasses, telescopes or more powerful optical instruments. It is not necessary to use special filters or glasses to see a lunar eclipse.

Unlike a total solar eclipse, during which it is dangerous to watch the Sun, the moon is never bright enough to threaten the eyes.

During a total lunar eclipse, the light and heat of the sun disappear in a few minutes.

By definition, the total lunar eclipse occurs when "the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon to cast its shadow over the Moon, and the Moon completely traverses the shadow of the Moon. Earth ", Lisbon Astronomical Observatory (OAL).

Visible on all the territory

The total lunar eclipse of this Friday will last about one hour and 43 minutes. In Portugal, the phenomenon will be observable throughout the national territory.

"The archipelagos and the continent will see more or less the same thing, and those who want to see this progression of the eclipse will choose a place where they will have a good view of the horizon," says Rui Agostinho, director of the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon.

The Moon was born at 20:47 (Lisbon time). It will rise slowly and the middle of the eclipse – which corresponds to the maximum of the visible eclipse – occurs at 9:22 pm and will end at 10:14 pm. The sunset is already at 20:52. According to NASA, there will be 230 lunar eclipses in the
century, of which 85 will be total eclipses of the Moon.
Friday is the longest of the century, lasting one hour and 43

Most of the time, there are two lunar eclipses per year. It will be the 17th. lunar eclipse of the century. The next will take place on January 21, 2019.

For this Friday, the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences, the Calouste Gulbenkian Planetarium, the Planetarium of the Port and the Center Constância Ciência Viva organize sessions to observe the environment. lunar eclipse, planets and stars.

In addition to Portugal, the Moon can be observed from Australia, Antarctica, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, the United States. South America, the South Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

However, the best place on the planet to see this eclipse is the island of Reunion, where the moon is at its zenith in the middle of the night.

The only countries that could not see the total lunar eclipse are Greenland, Canada and the United States

Red Moon

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon s' align perfectly. When the moon is totally in the shadow of the Earth, it becomes reddish. For this very reason, the phenomenon has acquired the name of Blood Moon.

The color red occurs because sunlight is diverted through the atmosphere of the Earth. "The light of the sun passes tangent to the Earth and manages to illuminate the Moon, it loses the blue color because it is trapped in our atmosphere," says Rui Agostinho

The tonality of the Moon depends on the Earth's atmospheric conditions.

During the full eclipse phase, the moon will keep this reddish color "darker at first then will become brighter as the end of the total eclipse."

If the Earth had no atmosphere, the eclipsed Moon would be black.

The same night and in the next few days, Mars will be at the closest point on Earth since 2003. It will be visible as a bright red star.

c / Lusa

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