Abidal and Barcelona deny buying liver at the black market


The Spanish press on Wednesday revealed that former Barcelona president Sandro Rosell bought a liver on the black market for Eric Abidal, a former player and current technical secretary of the club in 2012, who was submitted in 2012 to

According to the newspaper El Confidencial, the Spanish authorities intercepted four phone calls in which Rosell, who was arrested in May last year, accused of a criminal organization and money laundering 39, money, admits the purchase of the organ.

At the time, Abidal stated that the liver donor was a cousin and now, the founder of the liver, issued a statement reaffirming this problem.

"The Eric Abidal Foundation, on his behalf and that of Eric Abidal, categorically denies the information disseminated in some media about the irregularities in the treatment of his illness," notes the note.

"The whole process of the transplant was done according to established procedures and protocols.The Eric Abidal Foundation regrets that the cause of the goodwill of all those involved in the process is brought to the Eric Abidal, who is very grateful to the donor, his cousin Gerard. "

Barcelona, ​​in a statement released," totally denies any impropriety "and says the news omitted that" l & # 39; The case was closed in a court of Barcelona on May 18th. Barca believes that this disclosure "harms the goodwill of Eric Abidal, all of the transplant organizations, FC Barcelona and former President Sandro Rosell."

"The club deeply regrets the lack of rigor in the dissemination of information on a sensitive subject, and reaffirms its commitment to Eric Abidal and the Foundation to improve the lives of children and young people affected by medical treatments similar, "said a club statement

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