Accommodation | There is an archipelago of islands in Porto that must be rehabilitated


The Porto Chamber carried out a survey of the housing needs of the territory, which showed that 61% of dwellings in need of recovery are located on islands. How to solve the problem? This is what will be discussed this Thursday during a public session on the islands of Porto, at the Campo Alegre Theater. The debate was preceded by a visit to some islands of the city, which was attended by the councilor of housing and social cohesion, Fernando Paulo.

Fernando Paulo considers it urgent to create instruments that allow the municipality to intervene in the islands of private property. And he considers the program Reabilitar para Arrendar "complex" and "high density" for the owners, so the council has sensitized the government "to create a financial and legal-legal instrument that allows a closer approximation of the chamber, which together with the government through the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU), the private and the families themselves, can create a mechanism of greater speed. " For its part, the First Law program responds to the need to facilitate and speed up the process, but, despite everything, the diploma lacks "regulation, financing and operationalization".

Thursday's session is called "Archipelago" in reference to the 957 islands scattered throughout the city, but the first leg of the visit is itself an archipelago. There are 33 islands on the Rua de São Vítor, but today we are on the island number 172. Only three people live here and a project of rehabilitation of the program Habitar Porto is in progress.

The initiative, in partnership with the Mayor of Bonfim, Camara de Freguesia de Campanhã and the Chamber, aims to support the owners, tenants and professionals to simplify the requalification, provide housing at a fair price, as well as to mobilize resources to create a dynamic and inclusive city.

The program's coordinator, Aitor Varea, acknowledges that he has a great challenge to take up: getting homeowners to rehabilitate their properties, improve the living conditions of tenants and attract new residents. On Island 172, the goal is to reduce the number of fires from 12 to 8 by building two T2, five T1 and one T0, with incomes ranging between 116 and 334 euros.

"We started working with a program of the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU), Rehabilitar para Arrenda", we are now planning to use First Law, which was launched recently . Whether it is a program or the other, the essential requirement for reaching a good port is the same: that it is a good deal for the owner, a good deal for tenants, with well-built dwellings at affordable rents, and guarantees explains Aitor Varea.

The island of Bela Vista lives at number 832 D. João IV street and in the road that surrounds it. The island, one of the three that belong to the municipality, was rehabilitated in 2016, from 43 houses to 35. The project, with an investment of 1.3 million euros, has was funded by a soft loan from the program Rehabilitate para Arrendar and constitutes a "laboratory" of what can be done and replicated in the other islands of the city, says the councilor for housing and social cohesion. [19659008] The best of the public on email

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Ongoing is now the rehabilitation of Bonjardim Island, also municipally, which was vacant. The municipality predicts that the work, with an investment of about 400 thousand euros, is completed in two months.

The island of Cortes will be the last municipal island to be rehabilitated, with the construction of four houses: nine fires will be recovered, which will serve a portion of the thousands of families waiting for allocation of social housing. According to Fernando Paulo, councilor for housing and social cohesion, the work will be launched in a public competition later this year and run next year. "The requalification of the island will focus on the rehabilitation of the structure in the main building and the demolition of existing precarious housing. We will also build a building to support housing for parking and storage," he said. project with an estimated investment of 200 thousand EUR

Text edited by Ana Fernandes

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