After all, the famous copper stove is made of aluminum – Observe


In the ad that goes on television, Master Copper seems to be able to resist anything: he can go to the oven, never scratch himself and last a lifetime. Started eggs are no problem, omelets are things for boys and making pizzas is a lot easier. All thanks to the material of which the famous frying pan would have been made: copper. The problem is that it's not all Juan Sánchez – the good chef who is "most famous on television" – fits "Master Copper".

Truthfully: the tests done by DECO Protest have concluded that Master Copper is not made of copper, but rather aluminum. The food sticks to the bottom and is difficult to wash. In other words, it is a fraud.

"We are facing misleading advertising", says the Consumer Protection Association in its website adding that it has already lodged a complaint with the Directorate General of Consumers [19659003] DECO Proteste decided to test the product after receiving several complaints from consumers. Although the stove is advertised on television as having "unique characteristics" that distinguish it from "any similar product intended for sale in the domestic market", it was unable to pass any of the tests performed by the company. consumer protection association, which filmed the whole process and made it available online: [196459002]

In the end, DECO has concluded that "laboratory performance belies all the promises" of television advertising. "Master Copper is just misleading advertising."

In order to help all those who felt cheated by the chef Sanchez and his fake copper stove to recover his money, DECO Protest created a form online whereby he promises to make contact with all those who register within 48 hours. "If you bought this stove and you feel cheated, you can return the product and ask for a refund of money: you have two years to exercise this right." DECO Protests help in this process, "announces the company. 39; association. Consumers are entitled to a refund during the warranty period, as Master Copper does not exactly match what is advertised.

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