Al Hilal with the option to buy Carrillo for 20 million – Benfica


André Carrillo was officially reinforced by Al Hilal loaned by Benfica and will allow the Cofres da Luz a considerable saving, since, in addition to receiving nearly 3 million euros just for the loan of the player, it will still be wages, which will be paid in full by the Arab emblem. The Culebra, remember, earns an annual salary of nearly 2 million. Jorge Jesus asks expressly – the technician pointed this out even in an interview with CM TV -, Carrillo spent the last days in Madrid waiting for clubs to arrive finally, the agreement. Benfica president Luís Filipe Vieira even dined in Dubai with Al Hilal leader Sami Al-Jaber, but the 4 million he asked Carrillo were initially denied by the Arab champion. The agreement was finalized as soon as the incarnees agreed to lower the value of the loan, however, granting a purchase option clause of 20 million euros.

Later After shining in the World Cup with Peru, Carrillo has become one of the most sought after players on the market for Benfica. Elio Casareto, an entrepreneur from the extreme, even said, in statements to a Peruvian radio, that he had received phone calls from clubs in China, England and even Saudi Arabia – a country that ended up being the destination

of Everton, now led by Marco Silva, were also in the running, but the truth is that La Culebra preferred to return to coach with Jorge Jesus, coach with whom worked at Sporting. Carrillo has already traveled to Lienz, Austria, where Al Hilal is trainee, and is another weapon for the Portuguese coach to tackle the first overseas adventure.

Before even reaching an agreement with Al Hilal, Andre Carrillo told the Peruvian daily El Confidencial that he wanted to return to Benfica to work. The Peruvian explained that he had indications to introduce himself and that he would try to get a place, but the truth is that the surplus of extremes in the team – coupled with the good proposal of Al Hilal – ended up dictating this result

. For the moment, Rui Vitória has at his disposal Salvio, Rafa, Cervi and Zivkovic, but Pizzi can also play in this position. João Felix, a young player that Rui Vitória called to the preseason, also acted on the wings in the private ones already made by the incarnated ones, reason why enters in this particular accountancy. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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