All league II games will be televised The President of the PSSA spoke to reporters at the end of the Third Summit of Presidents of the Portuguese League Pedro Proença


announced Wednesday that "all League II games will have TV coverage" in the season of 2018/19. The League president stressed that this news "is a big win for professional football", especially if you remember "what happened three years ago."

Football "is not only but also smaller, who need this visibility," said Pedro Proença, without specifying how and where the matches of the second league will be transmitted

The PSSP President spoke to reporters at the end of the Third Summit of Presidents, which was held in the afternoon in the convent of São Francisco in Coimbra

At the meeting , the "promotion of sports football" was discussed, especially in the way it is managed in the audiovisual field and how clubs ""

"There have been very interesting steps taken by sports companies to shoot Part of a much more positive football with a more attractive language, "seeking to give" The players and coaches, "said Pedro Proença, who is waiting for a start" for a season that is much more positive. "

According to the official, at the summit, were given examples of international good practice, to ensure greater involvement of the supporters themselves with sport .

Pedro Proença also noted that the fourth Summit of Presidents of the Portuguese League has already been marked, which takes place again at Convento São Francisco, on October 10.

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