Amazon leaves the air, but Jeff Bezos becomes the richest person in history on Prime Day



SÃO PAULO – On Monday, Jeff Bezos has consolidated as the richest person in modern history with an inflationary correction. With more than $ 150 billion in estimated equity, it surpasses once and for all the $ 100 billion that Bill Gates had in 1999 (which means $ 149 billion with a currency correction today).

Today, Bezos is at an extremely quiet distance from the other billionaires listed by Bloomberg. Gates posted $ 95 billion in equity, followed by Warren Buffett at $ 82.6 billion, which in turn is stuck with Mark Zuckerberg at $ 82.9 billion.

This brand is born from the appreciation of Amazon's stock following the launch of Prime Day – a commemorative date in which the company is offering huge discounts on its products. Paper increased by more than 1% during the second trading session.

More impressive than the top of the Amazon on the stock market, however, has been the realization that neither the gigantic e-commerce company is totally immune from technical failures because of the high demand . This afternoon, sales were halted by a decline on the site at 15:10 American time.

At present, Amazon shares are still up 0.44%, while the SPX sees a drop of 0.15%.

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