Android Alarm Clock can now play Spotify songs


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Google will begin to implement Spotify in its alarm application. In a statement Tuesday (31), the tech giant announced that in the coming weeks will begin to add to the world the ability to use Spotify songs for alarms programmed into Google Clock.

The proposal is that you do not associate with the same song every day the hard work of opening your eyes, but be able to choose a more pleasant sound in the morning. Google has already allowed users to download music from the device to trigger the alarm or even select from those available in Play Music.

To access this news, Spotify and Google Clock must be up-to-date. The company informs that it is necessary to be a premium user of the music application to access this feature.

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So when choosing the alarm, in the # 39; option sounds, will appear a new tab called Spotify with the last songs played and a search option. If you do not want to play the same sound every day, you can choose a playlist, a different album or a different song each day.

Aba offers musical selections from Spotify (Photo: Divulgação / Google)

According to the release, the feature is not yet available in all countries but will be launched worldwide in the future. next week. To achieve this integration between the two programs, you must have a device with Android 5.0 or later.

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