Apple is getting ready! The Samsung Galaxy S10 arrives …


On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the iPhone, Apple showed us the best smartphone we have ever released. The iPhone X has come up with a new technology never before seen, an excellent screen and an improved design worthy of an iPhone.

But for next year, Samsung will launch the Galaxy S10 and, if rumors are confirmed, this smartphone will be amazing and will attract the attention of all technology enthusiasts. One thing we can be sure of: the Samsung Galaxy S10 will not be a copy of the iPhone!

Are you curious?

 Samsung iPhone

What Apple could not do?

Many people are already talking about the upcoming Samsung S-line smartphone. According to rumors that have circulated lately, the Galaxy S10 should have a more advanced screen and that will cover a larger percentage of the front of the smartphone.

 Samsung iPhone

] Samsung should also be able to do what many say that Apple has not managed to do: put the fingerprint sensor digital under the screen. In addition, according to rumors, the new Samsung S10 can have up to 5 cameras.


Samsung has not disclosed any information on the Galaxy S10, and does not expect the brand to do so before the beginning of the year 2019. But fortunately, It's often not necessary to speak to give certain points of view – A picture is worth more than 1000 words.

 Samsung iPhone

This family who is in the picture above has hair cut to remind the monkey of the iPhone X and appeared in one of the latest videos published by Samsung where the brand takes advantage of the iPhone. This can only mean one thing: Samsung will never launch a smartphone with a monoblock when it is alive.

Nobody will ever forget the "Ingenius" videos launched by Samsung. And if Samsung launches a smartphone with a monkey, everyone will laugh in the face.


Everyone is curious to see the new Galaxy S10. But one thing is certain. Samsung will do everything to distance itself from the iPhone X and see any association with current high level of Apple as a minor defeat. The latest videos released by the Korean brand's marketing team show that

The natural evolution of technology indicates that in the future Apple will give up the monocle. But for this to happen, all the sensors must be placed under the screen. This involves high manufacturing costs and, in a sense, the technology is not yet ready; (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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