Apple recognizes the problem of the new MacBook Pro and has already fixed it


The new MacBook Pro, recently introduced by Apple, promises to make these beautiful machines even better. The innovations focus on the material and are the natural evolution of what would be expected.

These new machines started early to be tested and one of the models presented problems. The 15-inch MacBook Pro with the i9 processor could not maintain its stable operation in the most demanding situations.

 Apple MacBook Pro Intel i9 Processor

Although there is no identified cause, the new 15-inch MacBook Pro, equipped with the powerful i9 processor, has shown that this machine had serious performance problems.

The tests carried out showed that in more demanding situations, this processor finally lost performance and obtained very good machine results. Everything seemed to point to excess heat, which meant that the processor was protecting itself and slowing down its speed.

Apple has recognized the problem of MacBook Pro

Apple has now come to admit this problem and to present the reasons for detected. Everything fell to a software defect, which meant that the processor slowed down in situations where higher clock speeds were needed.

 Apple MacBook Pro Intel i9 Processor

The solution has also arrived at the MacBook Pro.

At the same time, he announced the problem, Apple also announced that it already has the solution. The brand has released an update of its operating system that addresses this issue and needs to be installed in all new machines.

Apple Statement

Following extensive performance testing under many workloads, we identified Mac OS X 10.13.6 Additional Update is recommended The additional update for Mac OS X 10.13. 6 is recommended. We apologize to any customer who has had less than optimal performance on their new systems. Customers can expect the new 15-inch MacBook Pro to be up to 70 percent faster, and the 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar is up to 2 times faster, as shown by the performance results on our website.

Apple says it will return to its test results, where the new 15-inch MacBook Pro can be 70 percent faster than the previous model and the new 13-inch MacBook Pro can be twice as fast [19659006] (f, f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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