Apple to close the iPhone X and SE this year, rumors suggest


While Apple is still preparing for the launch of the new iPhones this year, most analysts are already trying to understand what will be the next steps for the Cupertino giant. Many are looking for information on what we will see in the new models.

However, there are some who make riskier bets. Now the new rumor is that Apple may choose to end the production of the iPhone X to favor new model sales.

But what draws attention in the new round of rumors is that the Cupertino giant may also end the production of the iPhone SE . As is known, this model makes a big hit with business consumers because of its price more account. With the end of manufacturing, there are more options for those who like a smartphone with a smaller screen.

According to BlueFin analysts, sources of rumors, Apple predicts for this year a big wave of updates with consumers exchanging their handsets . This "repressed demand" may be waiting to launch cheaper options than the iPhone X, which can happen with the three new models.

For this reason, analysts are betting high and believe that the Cupertino giant can command its suppliers around 180 million iPhones next year . They explain the reason:

The iPhone 11 Plus should satisfy the dissatisfied of the iPhone X because of size issues, while the iPhone 9 should satisfy buyers more budget-conscious and continuous sales of the iPhone 8 complete a fairly extensive line.

For the moment, Apple has not expressed itself on the subject. However, we already know that the company does not generally comment on market rumors. In this way, we have to wait a little longer to know what the next steps of the business will be.

(updated on July 10, 2018, 08:58)

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