Badelj discarded, Vukcevic desires dearly … and Battaglia returns to victory ::


Faced with Milan Badelj's imminent "flight", Sporting turns to other alternatives on the market. The goal is to engage a player in the middle of the field and, considering the chances of the arrival of the Croatian international, two other names have been reinforced: Vukcevic … and Rodrigo Battaglia [19659002] Rodrigo Battaglia
Sporting [19659003]

In the case of Montenegro, the newspaper The Ball advance, this Friday that the president of SC Braga, António Salvador, demands at least eight million euros to free the player. That is the value deemed fair by the Bracarense leader who lowered by about two million from the originally required value. The midfielder is a wish expressed by José Peseiro and Sousa Cintra continues to work to satisfy the coach's claims.

However, negotiations will not be easy. Vukcevic wants to leave, but the mini pictures promise not to facilitate the process which, if confirmed, will involve the transfer of the players. Jefferson and João Palhinha have been proposed by António Salvador, but only the midfielder can go to Pedreira, since the Brazilian is regarded as an essential element for José Peseiro

In this sense, Rodrigo Battaglia's contacts have been made. intensify and argentin, again, is considered a strong possibility. This time, Sousa Cintra is looking to hear from the players' representatives who, it will be remembered, made last-minute requests that SAD Leonina found incompatible during the last round of negotiations.

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Nikola Vukcevic

  Training SC Braga 2018/2019
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