Beja strengthens and extends the coverage of the WiFi network


The city council strengthens the coverage of the WiFi network and corrects some anomalies of the past, such as operating WiFi network at the municipal library, one of the most popular by residents.

It is possible to access the Internet completely free way, in various places of the city and for that it is enough to make a simple registration by e-mail, Google or Facebook, which makes the quick and intuitive access

indication of the places where the network operates:

– Largo de S. João (area surrounding the Cinético Pax Julia)

– Largo do Lidador

– Praça da República

– Largo Nossa Senhora da

– Public Garden

– Parque Vista [Conceição] (Surrounding Area of ​​the Regional Museum of Beja)

– Portas de Mértola (Rua Francisco João Francisco de Sousa and part of Rua de Mértola)

– Mouraria

– Camping

– City Park

– Clube Desportivo Bejense

In the note of iprensa received we can also read that the network is already under way gradually put into operation, and the project and implementation follow " an application that the municipality of Beja submitted to the support line for the availability of Wi-Fi networks, implemented by the government through Turismo de Portugal. The project represents a total investment of € 70,724.00, and the support provided through the funding is € 45,000.00. "

This is a significant investment in the historic center and in areas with greater influx of tourists" promote intelligent management of destinations and position tourism as a leader in the development of smart cities and more sustainable modes of managing cities and their resources, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of citizens and for economic development " refers to Turismo de Portugal

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