Betas revealed for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


Activision and Treyarch Studio announced today the details of two beta test steps dedicated to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, one of the most anticipated of the year for fans of first-person shooter

AUGUST: The private beta dedicated to multiplayer will begin August 3 (Friday), first on PlayStation 4, then on PC and Xbox One in the next week

  • First phase – PlayStation 4 only: Starts August 3rd at 6:00 pm – ends August 6th at 6:00 pm
  • Phase 2 – PlayStation 4 and Xbox One: Starts August 10
  • PC Open Beta – Starts Aug. 11 at 6:00 pm – Starts Aug. 10 , exclusively on
  • PC Beta Beta – 00 – Ends August 13 at 18:00

Promised are rewards for participation and to reach the maximum rank in beta. Six cards will be available, two of which will be revealed for the first time during testing, in Team Deathmatch, Domination, Hardpoint, Search & Destroy and the new control modes.

SEPTEMBER: Later in a test phase devoted to Blackout mode, the Battle Royale experience of Call of Duty, whose latest rumors suggest joining 60 players in the same battle space.

Treyarch did not publish any great details related to the Blackout mode, they will be available later, but left the following statement to the fans:

"In Blackout, a session It may result in a triumphal victory or a tragic defeat – perhaps because of the unexpected collision of vehicles across the country, the sky or the sea – or at the moment of failure.Anyway, when people finish playing and want to tell the story of what happened to them, you know you have something special there. "

" The team was amused to play in We are very happy that we will be able to share this with you in September, the comments of the community are still incredibly important, they have never been as important as with Blackout. "

Aníbal Gonçalves is a video game enthusiast, a comic book lover and obs edified by what is happening in a distant galaxy. ] @Darthyo

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