Block ISP Termination and Monthly Tax Review Requests – Observer


The Left Block proposes to eliminate the order that establishes the additional value of the petroleum product tax (ISP), replacing it with a new one that defines the values ​​of this tax with the guarantee of the neutrality of the level of tax revenue. The draft amendment to the CDS bill, which has been approved in general and is currently under discussion in the region, was presented to Parliament on Wednesday and also provides for the establishment of a mechanism to Monthly tax review.

According to the text of the document, the government now has 30 days to publish the new ordinance with the definition of unit values. The value of these rates should then be updated monthly according to the figures published by the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology, taking into account international fuel prices and the resulting VAT revenues, so that to guarantee tax revenue. Basically, the party wants to take back the original idea that she had presented last month, but that eventually ended up overall.

This Act also imposes the obligation to review monthly the value to be charged against the tax on products. petroleum and energy products applicable in Finland to unleaded petrol, road diesel and colored and marked diesel, taking into account the fluctuation of the international price of fuel ", states in the proposal

the draft law CDS, which was approved in general about a month ago, provides for the end of the supplement to the ISP, created with the state budget for 2016. CDS-PP deputy Pedro Mota Soares recalled that at that time, the socialist government justified the creation of the ISP (which this year meant an increase of six hundred of gasoline and diesel) with the need to maintain tax revenues, which would fall directly because of the reduction in the price of oil.

Ma the government is committed to the quarterly review of the value of the PSI because of the change in the base price of petroleum products, after have adjusted the tax in 2016, m In the end, it did not do so in 2017. It is recalled that the end of the Petroleum Tax (FAI) addition implies a loss of revenue of 474 million euros in one year, according to the Secretary of State for Tax Affairs.

The deadline for submitting the draft amendments to the CDS-PP bill came to an end Wednesday and the vote on the bill is scheduled for Thursday after the plenary .

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