Brazilians have about half a trillion dollars declared in overseas investments


Brazilians reported 498.843 billion US dollars reported abroad at the end of last year, according to data from the Brazilian Census of Brazilian Capitals (CBE) released this week by the Central Bank.

The value represents about 25% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, also calculated at the end of last year by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), at 6,559 billion reais, or $ 1,981 trillion US (taking into account the closing dollar of 2017, 3.31 reais).

According to Fernando Rocha, head of the statistics department of the Central Bank, the value that Brazilians have in foreign investment is lower than that of developed countries. However, the volume has increased, which he says is "expected and desired".

"For the most developed countries, this percentage [de 25% do PIB] is larger at $ 200 billion [em 2007] and now stands at $ 500 billion [no ano passado] far exceeding GDP growth in dollars, "he said.

The value of Brazilian investments abroad has more than doubled in the last 10 years.

The bank also explained that foreign assets are being used to calculate Brazil's overall external position (IPO), which stood at US $ 209.488 billion in 2008, according to Central Bank figures The IIP is a statistical instrument that analyzes the composition of Brazil's external accounts The information is useful for the formulation and execution of economic policy


According to the census rules, they are required to declare annually the amounts, the persons residing in Brazil and poss editor foreign assets of an amount equal to or greater than US $ 100,000.

The number of respondents has almost quadrupled in the last ten years:

The number of respondents has almost quadrupled in the last ten years:

  • 2008 – 16,105 (14,228 individuals and 1 877 companies)
  • 2017 – 60,301 (55,757 people and 4,544 companies)

Distribution of investments

out of the approximately 500 billion US dollars invested abroad at the end of 2017, most of them are:

  • US $ 386.869 billion in Brazilian direct investment of which US $ 357.938 billion in participation (US $ 31 114 billion), Brazilian certificates of deposit (31 US $ 114 billion) and US Treasury bonds (US $ 31,114 billion). Brazilian companies abroad) in the amount of 2.970 billion US dollars and fixed income securities (91919 billion US dollars).

In addition, there are also smaller scale investments in foreign derivatives, ie in futures markets in other countries – 988 million US dollars at the end of 2017.

Brazilians in commercial loans, loans and foreign currencies

Fernando Rocha, British Columbia, pointed out that interest rates that pay for financial investments are lower in other countries than in Brazil

He noted that the dollar has appreciated in recent months. Therefore, who has applied abroad in the past, has more resources to convert these values ​​into real values.

"This depreciation of the real [alta do dólar] must be increased in the interest paid there." It is natural that companies have more firepower [para aplicar no exterior do que pessoas físicas]. international, can be used for business strategy and risk diversification. "

Regularization of Property

The Central Bank also noted that the so-called Brazilian Foreign Asset Regulation Program, which opened in 2014 and 2016, resulted in a $ 54.596 billion increase in Brazilian investment volume abroad.

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