Câmara de Guimarães wants to end the use of disposable plastic cups – Cities


More than 231,000 disposable plastic cups are used every year in the bars of the historic center of Guimarães.

This reality has led the autarchy to seek alternatives to reduce the amount of waste produced and the CARE project has already been introduced. It is therefore planned to replace the plastic cups with other reusable ones. The measurement is already on the ground. For all customers, the process is simple – each glass has a deposit of one euro, which is refunded with the return of the container in good condition.

Sérgio Castro Rocha, chairman of the board of directors of the municipal company Vitrus Ambiente explains that with this project, the municipality hopes to solve two problems of the historic center: "An environmental problem derived from the exaggerated consumption of Disposable plastics and, therefore, difficulties in urban cleansing. "

The president of the municipality was shocked by the data revealed by the municipal society and stressed that the desire of the executive is that the project be extended to the entire territory of the county. "This data is scary when we realize that this amount of garbage is damaging not only our environment but also our heritage."

It is fundamental to change behaviors and perceptions, and to raise awareness to build an ecological consciousness, "explains Domingos Bragança

window.fbAsyncInit = function () {

In the first phase of the project , four cups will be launched, highlighting the identity of the city of Guimarães.
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