Câmara do Porto wants to reduce IMI to rented houses


The Câmara do Porto has created a municipal tax exemption regulation to combat "real estate pressure", planning to reduce the IMI due to aggregate or rental property, reveals a proposal that Lusa had access to.

The document, drafted by the independent majority of Rui Moreira, will be voted at the meeting on Tuesday to be subject to a public consultation of "30 working days", and also includes exemptions in the municipal tax on real estate transfers) and in the IMI (municipal property tax for resident associations, "young people and young couples" in "historic center housing" or "buildings subject to urban rehabilitation".

In addition to all tax benefits, 1.7 million euros "annual impact on municipal revenues", reveals a proposal that highlights a "strategy" aimed at "increasing the supply of income-controlled housing […] In particular, it is intended that the exemptions in question constitute incentives for the development of the rental market with affordable income for housing purposes, for the purpose of of residence of families and young people, especially in the historic center of Porto, and the rehabilitation of the urban building, "says document

. The regulation emphasizes "housing support by reducing the rate of IMI, which intends to grant to the owners of leased urban buildings. "

The Chamber also intends to exempt from IMT" the acquisition of leased urban buildings […] if the tenancy agreement is saved for a minimum period of five years. "[19659002]" These measures are part of the strategy to promote densification of the city's population by increasing the supply of housing with r to the lowest square meter value, thus combating real estate pressure and the flight to the periphery and stimulating the establishment of households in the city of Porto ", he writes in the document.

In the area of" rental support for housing purposes ", the municipality provides for a 50% reduction in IMI and the exemption of IMT.

With regard to "help for families", IMI for young people and young couples for buildings residential in the historic center "and the" reduction of the IMI according to the household ".

This last case concerns "urban buildings intended for the permanent residence of the owner,

The Chamber indicates a" standard deduction "of 20 euros for those who have a dependent, 40 euros for those who have two persons dependent and 70 euros for which three dependents or

"Support to Resident Associations" was also considered, with "IMI exemption for the rehabilitation of buildings intended for social housing subject at controlled costs. "

To this is added the" Support for Urban Rehabilitation Actions ", with the exemption" IMI and IMT for urban rehabilitation buildings located in urban rehabilitation areas or completed more than 30 years ago.

Differentiated Exemptions

At the meeting held on Tuesday, the majority led by the independent Rui Moreira will also propose to the executive "the acquisition of the District of Tapada", located in the area Fontainhas, for a million euros "an acquisition subject to the prior approval of the Court of Auditors."

"The municipality intends to acquire this property in order to guarantee, in the context of its social cohesion policy: the maintenance of the social function of the building and the existing lease agreements", explains the president of the municipality, Rui Moreira

The document explains that "the exercise of the right of preference was triggered on May 15, 2018"

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