Castelo de Vide in a "living wheel" from this Wednesday with Festival Andanças – Observer


Concerts, dances, workshops, performance and theater are the attractions of the 23rd Andanças Festival, which starts this Wednesday at Castelo de Vide (Portalegre), with a full program of dance and music up to Sunday.

Promoted by PédeXumbo – Association for the Promotion of Music and Dance, the event takes place near the county seat of Alentejo, in an enclosure near the Fort of San Roque, as last year. Previously, the festival was held on the shores of the reservoir Póvoa e Meadas, also in the municipality of Castelo de Vide, but the change of venue took place after the fire of the 2016 edition that destroyed more than 400 cars in a parking lot

Marta Guerreiro, head of the artistic coordination and project management of PedeXumbo, told the Lusa agency that "it is impossible" to put " behind the back "the fire occurred two years ago.

"Roda Vida" is the theme of this year's program, which is divided into eight stages, over five days of dance, music, sharing and celebration, in which the organization hopes to # 39, influx of about 20 thousand people. Concerts, dance workshops, dances, activities for children and families, performance and theater, personal development, street entertainment, instrument workshops and walks are the main "ingredients" of Andanças. The invitation of the organization is to "dance the world", with workshops and dances that promise to "travel" the participants "to the rhythm of the marches and bars" of the dances of the world and Portugal [19659002] In representation of the national territory, "The minhotos turn to the Azores, through the dances of Alentejo, like the waltzes sent, or the fandangos of Extremadura," said the head of the 39; organization. In addition, the "trip" encompasses dances from Europe, on a "route" through Spain, Belgium, Italy, France, Romania or Bulgaria, but also rhythms African (kizomba, semba and funaná), Latin America salsa, tango), North America (swing, lindy-hop and balb), Middle East or India (bollywwod).

Classic Greek Classical Dance and Sacred Circular Dances workshops are other programming proposals

The "roda roda" caused by Andanças also extends to the very city of Castelo de Vide, where are planned various activities, such as workshops and workshops to promote interaction with the local community.

The 2016 fire, August 3, appeared in one of the car parks and, in less than three hours, reached in whole or in part 458 vehicles. In February 2017, the public prosecutor's office (MP) closed the investigation, because it did not know the particular circumstances in which the fire occurred, but already this month, the lawyer on behalf of the victims filed a complaint with the Administrative Court and Fiscal de Castelo Branco to demand compensation of 831 thousand euros. In statements to Lusa, PédeXumbo, the chamber and insurer of the Crédito Agrícola group, referred to in this trial, were "serene" about the process.

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