Castillo and Ferreyra cost 40 million – Benfica


The contracts of Castillo and Ferreyra, the players contracted this season, were announced by the blog "Benfica Market" and in them the values ​​of the wages and rewards of the advanced ones. In total, according to what is stated in the documents mentioned above, the double cost amounts to 32.1 million euros. And if we add up the $ 7.8 million spent on hiring Castillo – the value of the transfer plus the intermediation fees – we can see that the pair cost 40 million euros, which is tantamount to the sum that SAD Si Benfica enters the group stage of the Champions League, Ferreyra, who arrived in Luz at the end of the contract with Shakhtar Donetsk, forced the incarnated to a financial effort of up to 19.6. million. In addition to the 1.9 million gross that he will receive in salary per season, the Argentine will have set up a signing fee of 2 million euros, plus an additional 2 million annual loyalty bonuses . With regard to intermediation services, the figure has also reached 2 million euros – according to a prospect previously disclosed by SAD. As for Castillo, will receive at this moment 2.3 million euros, undergoing an increase of 100 thousand euros each year – to the 5th. is 2.7 million. At $ 12.5 million in salaries, the 7.8 that the Club da Luz has disbursed for hiring and brokerage services – also disclosed in the same SAD perspective.

Criminal Participation

Benfica reacted in a statement and said that he would file a criminal complaint. According to the club, the contracts were registered on the FIFA TMS platform, Liga, FPF and Foreigners and Borders Service, also stating that "they have made custom overlapping tags to identify the 39, origin of the document in question. "

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