CE Diesel is the most expensive in the Northeast – Business


Fortaleza / São Paulo With a drop of just one cent over the last two weeks, the average price of a liter of diesel fuel in Ceará remains the highest in the Northeast region, according to the Agency's data National Oil and Gas (PNA) published last Friday (6). The average amount charged per liter of fuel was R $ 3,544 in the state, a decrease of 0.3% from the previous week of R $ 3,557.

> The effect of the strike is expected to dissipate this month

(R $ 3,660), Crato (R $ 3,651) and Juazeiro do Norte (R $ 3,626), while lowest prices were found in Canindé (R)

According to the weekly survey of the fuel prices of the ANP, the price of diesel has stopped falling in the country. The price of fuel was sold, at the national average, at R $ 3,384, practically stable compared to R $ 3,389 per liter checked by the agency the previous week.

The value is R $ 0.211 lower than the one verified before the truckers' strike and R $ 0.404 lower than that in force during the first week of immobilization. In keeping with the category, the Temer government is committed to lowering the pump by $ 0.46 per liter. For this, it granted a subsidy of 0.30 reais to producers and reduced taxes of 0.16 reais, for a total cost of 13.6 billion reais.

From the 1st, 13 states began to charge less tax. on the movement of goods and services (ICMS) on diesel, which was not the case in Ceará, because of the fall in prices in previous weeks. In some of them, however, the ANP has not yet detected an impact of reducing the tax burden.

The expert in Triad market analysis, however, questions ANP data and says that in his research, prices have already reached, by the end of June, a reduction of 0 , R $ 42 per liter – considered by distributors as the largest possible transfer before ICMS discounts.

Petrol and ethanol

According to the survey of the ANP, the average price per liter The price of gasoline in Ceará fell by five cents, from 4,683 to 4,637 reais in the last two weeks. However, Petrobras announced last Friday the second increase in the price of gasoline this month – since Saturday (7), the fuel had a readjustment of 1.07% in state refineries and has started costing R $ 2.0249 per liter

The price of ethanol also declined by five cents in the last two weeks in the state. According to the weekly survey of the ANP, the average price charged per liter of fuel went from 3,787 to 3,739 reais in the agency's survey range.

In the country, the ANP survey showed that the price of gasoline was also stable last week, at 4 495 reais per liter, in the national average. The price of ethanol hydrated fell from 2,881 to 2,833 reais per liter

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