CEO of OnePlus admits – and explains – the failure of the OnePlus X intermediary


After launching OnePlus One successfully on the market in 2014, the expectation for the successor was great and in 2015 the OnePlus 2 even got a good welcome – despite criticism for the lack of support for the NFC . Worse would have been the performance of OnePlus X, launched the same season and intended for the middle market. Now, in a recent interview, CEO Pete Lau admits the failure of this move and better explains the reasons for the flop.

According to information from WCCFTech the words of the executive came to the public in (16) after a series of questions and answers with fans at a forum of society Chinese. When asked if there was a product he was expecting a lot and who did not avenge him, his quick response was the OnePlus X.

According to Lau , although the design of the device was praised, the segment into which OnePlus was inserted continued – was that of high-end products at affordable prices. "When you're the CEO of a company, you have to ask yourself if there is a product you expected the fans to react to better: OnePlus X. Our goal was to create a close middle product from the tip, loved the design and found it beautiful, most iconic devices still preferred.This reaffirmed our position as a cultural society targeting high-end handsets. "


The company does not disclose the data, but it seems that the sales would have been reasonable and there is even some of the consumers who demand OnePlus X2 – which could be a good alternative "premium intermediate" to compete in a price range of less than $ 600. However, at least for the moment, OnePlus would not be willing to bet on this idea again.

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