CGTP against a bill that involves 150 free working hours per year


The General Secretary of the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers (CGTP) said on Wednesday against the government's proposal to create what is called the bank's group hours, which requires 150 hours of free work per year.

"This would be inadmissible," said Arménio Carlos after leaving a plenary session in the Granorte processionira, where workers demanded the replacement of working hours before the start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict – a situation that reduces production cork exported to Ukraine, a situation

"Workers expressed great support for the position of the CGTP to reject the proposed law with which the government, among other things, not only perpetuates precariousness because it attacks the 39, hiring collective bargaining and trying to set up the so-called bank of group hours, which would force workers to do 150 hours of free work "

The presence of the CGTP in plenary in Granorte also translates into a "willingness to participate in struggles that reflect the indignation that is beginning to spread in the country against a proposal that should combat precariousness and lows. salaries, but "

Armenian Carlos leaves a criticism of the government:" The PS at this moment should make every effort to join the parties of the left and chose to rely on those of the right, of continue a labor policy that is at the heart of the intensification of inequalities and the impoverishment of the workers. "

In the same spirit, the general secretary of the CGTP warns that" it's There are fundamental things and respect, are the agreements or commitments made "by the state, which also refers to the sector of education and health."

"It is not not acceptable that the government approves the members of PCP, BE and PEV u not position to count all the teachers' service time and that now he will question what was approved in the Assembly of the Republic "he explains

" The thesis that in this there are priorities : if there is one, we will prioritize the respect of workers' rights and the improvement of the capacities of public services, both at school and in the National Health Service [SNS] . "

For Armenia Carlos," The public debt partnerships, "swaps", the urgent renegotiation of a debt that only in the interest takes us so much when it is spent in the NHS and services requested at the private sector in the legal field. "

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