China wants to revolutionize shopping with smart boutiques – News Mirrors that show the colors available for a pair of shoes, smart dressers where the customer can change the size of a dress or suggest the color of the dress.


Paula Escalada Medrano

Shanghai (China), July 5 (EFE) knowing that the best matches are among the technologies of the stores of the future, a concept that should soon become a reality in China.

The Alibaba Group, through its Taobao sales portal and the American fashion company Guess, has just inaugurated fashionAI, a pilot store that brings artificial intelligence to the world of fashion and offers customers a personalized experience and different from "shopping".

"FashionAI embodies our reflection on what the future of fashion can be and explores the use of technology to better understand and respond to the needs of fashion consumers," said Zhuoran Zhuang, vice president of 39, Alibaba, in a statement

. Ular, by scanning a QR code with the Taobao user account.From there, we do a scan of the face of the potential buyer, who enters the shop and walks there as in any other normal establishment.

If the customer likes a piece and wants to try it, he approaches the smart mirrors where immediately

In addition, the mirror makes suggestions on other items in the shop that could match the room chosen.

Through this, the buyer does not have to wear the clothes because after selecting all the products you want to try, you go empty-handed at the dresser and there a salesman ap carries the products.

The taster is also bound with the client, so that if the coin does not fit, one can ask for a different size, or another pattern that combines, through the smart mirror.

In addition, if the user regrets not having bought something after leaving the store,

"The technology is based on consumer knowledge of the ecosystem, the images of more 500,000 teams of Taobao stylists, as well as the fashion experience of "The company will only be open from this Thursday until next Saturday, but Alibaba hopes that in the future not Too far this concept can be a reality that also serves to make trade more efficient through data intelligence

This project is part of the Chinese giant's goal of becoming more and more more present in physical stores, as well as allowing technology to give new life to traditional sales.

According to the plans of the company created by Jack Ma, the "new retail" is the solution for physical sellers, so affected by the explosion of e-commerce

Within the trade non-online, Alibaba has so far invested mainly in the food sector because it owns a supermarket chain, Hema, which operates almost without announced a few months ago an investment in the chain of Sun Art supermarkets.

In addition, the portal Alibaba Tmall and the brand Intersport sportswear opened last May in Beijing an interactive store, "Tmall x Intersport", in which

To date, Tmall Fashion has collaborated with more than 400 brands including international companies such as Burberry and others.

The goal is to multiply numbers over the last few months to reach partnerships with 1,000 brands and help digitize 200,000 storefronts across the country. (Fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement ("script"); fbds.async = "fbd.async" true; fbds.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _fbq.loaded = true;} _ fbq.push ([“addPixelId”,”1425099884432564″]);}) (); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”PixelInitialized”,{}]); [ad_2]
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