Chinese Smartphones Top Top of June Antutu


Every month Antutu publishes a list of the devices that got the highest score in their tests

The Top 10 of June is already known, and the domain is delivered to the Chinese brands

 xiaomi blackshark [19659004] The evolution of smartphones has been constant, these small devices being more and more powerful. </p>
<p>  To measure the performance of these devices, there are a number of baseline tests that exist with outbreaks in different areas. Antutu is probably one of the best known and most complete. </p>
<p>  Each month, a list of devices with a higher average score in the previous month is published, which allows you to see the best equipment in terms of performance. </p>
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<h3>  Chinese brands lead Top of Antutu </h3>
<p>  Recently a list was published with the Top 10 devices with the highest score in Antutu during the month of June </p>
<p>  According to Antut u, the device with the highest score was the Xiaomi BlackShark, the smartphone designed for games using a version of Snapdragon 845 with Overclocking, totaling 287,759 points. Shortly after, Vivo Nex appears, another recently introduced device, with 284,227. Closing the podium, we have the OnePlus 6, which ends in June with an average of 282,275 points. </p>
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However, the Chinese domain does not stop here, since in the fourth position appears the Mi 8 with 273 221 points, followed by the Smartisan R1 with a score of 273 152.

Has the first non-Chinese brand to come in sixth place, with the Samsung S9 + 262,562 points, but is soon followed by Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S. At the end of the Top 10, we have the Samsung Galaxy S9, with 261,918, followed by the Xperia XZ2 with 251,387, the last place occupied by Nubia Red Magic with 214,580 points.

In a period when the big marks have remained (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f (b)), we can see that, in this type of notation, we see the Chinese brands become more and more attractive. .fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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