Chrome has a hidden hardware design mode. Learn how to activate it


Chrome, Google's browser, is constantly evolving and receiving new features. This is a premise of Google and so it has been over the years. Many of these changes are aesthetic and improve usability.

A new feature is available, but not yet active, which brings a new interface to Chrome. Material Design mode is hidden, but anyone can turn it on.

 Google Chrome Material Design Interface

Material Design is a creation of Google to establish rules for creating interfaces for your services and applications. It is based on exhaustive tests and proved its usefulness. Over time, it has been improved and applied on many Google platforms.

How to activate the new Chrome interface

The latest version of Material Design is now available in Chrome and anyone can test this new version. natively active. Start by placing the address chrome: // flags / # top-chrome-md to access the option you are going to edit

 Google Chrome Google Design Interface

The user interface layout for the browser chrome will appear and you can immediately change the Chrome layout for which you want.

Which option to choose for the present

hardware design and all change something in Chrome, depending on the platform where they turn, from simple computers to portable devices with touch screen.

 Google Chrome Material Design Interface

In the case of the desktop, and to have the new Chrome image, the option to select is Refresh . In the case of iOS, and to have active novelty, they should choose the option UI Refresh Phase 1 .

The new face of Google Chrome

After the change, they have to restart Chrome so that the change is applied. You will immediately see the novelty in the area of ​​the tabs, where you can count on less right angles and the presence of many more curved lines. There are also many more items with a flat layout and a change in the location of the tab buttons.

 Google Chrome Material Design Interface

In the case of iOS these changes are even greater with the change of the control bar for the base of Chrome for better control. There is also a new search button and a tab page with a new image.

It is not yet known when and how this will be open to all users, but Google is preparing for this change. For the moment, and to have this novelty, it is even necessary to make this simple change that everyone should test, to take the pulse of what will soon be Chrome.

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