Cintra confirms Nani in the presidential "slip" – Sporting


Before the presentation, Sousa Cintra and Bruno Fernandes had a revealing dialogue. Without noticing that the microphone was already connected, the head of the management committee was engaged in an unfiltered conversation with the leonine midfielder, during which he addressed several files. The problem is that it was heard … First, Sousa Cintra talked about leaving Podence for Olympiacos Greece. "He asked things completely absurd and it was going to ruin the station," said Sousa Cintra, to Bruno Fernandes' attention.
The dialogue reached Nani and Cintra was equally revealing. "Nani is a help to come, but you are the absolute leader," said the President of the Commission, later mentioning that the main goal of the season passes for the championship. "We must now be champions and I think we will be," said Bruno Fernandes.

To the journalists, the head of the management committee talked about the return of the average. "It was essential for Sporting's dreams, I did not want wages to be improved and conditions to be the same," he said. *

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