Cocaine in European rivers and lakes leaves hyperactive eels – World


A survey by the University of Naples Federico II has argued that silver eels from European rivers are "hyperactive" because of the presence of cocaine in the water.

However, the most serious effect of the drug is not the case, since hyperactive eels had the same general health as non-drug eels. Biologists found serious lesions in the skeletal muscle of animals, which were not cured even after 10 days in clean water.

"This study shows that even the low concentration of cocaine in the environment causes serious damage to the morphology and psychology of the skeletal muscles of the silver eel, thus confirming the impact of cocaine on the environment and may affect the survival of this species, "they concluded. the researchers of the scientific journal Total environmental science.

Traces of drugs, such as cocaine, amphetamines and ecstasy, in Europe's rivers and lakes reach the waters even after cleaning through wastewater treatment systems.

For this study, the researchers kept the silver eels in water with a quantity of cocaine similar to that found in the rivers for 50 days and compared the effects to those of the eels that were not exposed. to drugs.

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