Colaborao between Monster Hunter World and Final Fantasy 15 chegar em Agosto •


Durante has E3 2018, a Capcom anunciou um evento especial result of uma colaborao com a Square Enix that resultaria na presena of um monstro of Final Fantasy 15 in the world Monster Hunter.

Agora, Ryozo Tsujimoto, producer of Monster Hunter World, confirmation of the collaboration with Agosto.

Algures running, a Capcom presenter for Monster Hunter World and Behemoth's Final Fantasy 15 for monsters that can not be used.

Para quem quiser saber but desta colaborao, a drum capcom confirming that a 15 of Julho on a first gameplay of Behemoth in Monster Hunter World.

Monster Hunter World is available on PS4 and Xbox One. No Outono, but a PC back.

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