End-of-year dinners are a tempting invitation to step into the jackfruit and eat more than you want. In general, this period is a torment for those with dietary restrictions, such as diabetics. But it is possible to enjoy the delights brought to the table, as long as control is maintained. According to Tarissa Petry, an endocrinologist at the Oswaldo Cruz Oswaldo Cruz Center for Obesity and Diabetes, the most important factor in blood sugar is the amount of carbohydrate ingested, not just the type.
– No food should be consumed in excess. Therefore, the best option is to vary the food without overdoing it. There is no need to ban a type of dessert as long as the quantity is controlled. It is also useless to pick brown rice and eat too much, for example, "says Tarissa.
High fiber foods slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and help maintain blood sugar control. Therefore, experts recommend including vegetables, vegetables and whole carbohydrates on the menu. Hydration is another fundamental care at parties.
– It is important to drink at least three glasses of water before starting any alcoholic drink. – says endocrinologist Levimar Rocha Araújo, professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais.
Staying too long without eating can also deregulate blood sugar. Therefore, those who keep the tradition of serving only the Christmas dinner at midnight should be careful.
– A quick way to fast is to choose supplements that are appropriate for people with diabetes. The recommendation is to take them a few hours before the meal – says Patrícia Ruffo, head of the scientific department of the nutrition division of Abbott Pharmaceutical.
Tips for dinner
Plan your dinner in advance
Before arriving at any event, make a plan of what you are going to eat. For example, if you know that there will only be some out-of-work, choose those who have fewer calories and will not increase your blood sugar, such as lean vegetables and the proteins. Beware of sauces that can add hidden calories, salt or sugar
Control alcoholic beverages
The person with diabetes should be aware of their alcohol consumption: you can drink, but in a moderate way. Indeed, alcohol can aggravate some of the symptoms of the disease, causing hypoglycemia or a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.
Do not abuse
Although many fruits are rich in protein and fiber, some are also loaded with sugars and you need to pay attention to the amount. It is advisable to avoid large amounts of orange, mango, grape, watermelon and persimmon, which are rich in nutrients but can also increase glycemic levels.
Keep an eye on blood glucose
Although the routine changes at this time of year, it is important to always measure blood glucose before and after meals, controlling the consumption of fats and sugars to enjoy the holidays in a healthy and quality way.
Slow down
It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to warn the stomach that you are "full". When meals are consumed slowly, people eat a lot less calories than those who eat fast. To help slow down while eating, try chewing slowly.
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