Discipline: Santa Clara can switch from I Liga to Portuguese league


The 2018/19 season can still undergo changes regarding the constitution of the championships, from the I Liga to the Portuguese championship. Santa Clara, implicated in a case of improper use of players and having indicated a coach who was not in the match may be sanctioned by a loss of points related to the season 2017 / 18.

The narrator of the Instructors' Commission proposed to terminate the disciplinary procedure, but in the document "Expedition and Indictment" of the Disciplinary Council (CD) of the FPF to which Maisfutebol had access, it is stated that "the proposal of deposit formulated by the Illustrious Instructor was rejected" and that the CD decided that the procedure against the club of the Azores should take place

. "Instruct the Instructors Commission" to resolve some of the "investigative steps" to clarify the case.

These include an "interrogation of a group of 10 players" of the main team of Santa Clara in 2017/2018, as well as the "notification" of the Board of Santa Administration Clara SAD "to confirm or deny the reliability" of the official communiqué relative to departure of Carlos Pinto of the technical command, on May 14, in addition to statements made after the result .

It is recalled that a case was brought against the Santa Clara by the improper use of the coach in three games, before União da Madeira, Varzim and Académica. In these, Carlos Pinto was the main coach of the island's emblem, who at the time only had the second level of the coaching course and was told the training coordinator, Luís Pires, as head coach, without even having been in the games

In this context, other clubs involved may have dividends. The Union of Madeira, which also appealed in the case may still have a chance to stay in the II League. And the Academician of Viseu, also interested and third of the II League 2017/18, can benefit from the loss of points Santa Clara, which can go up to 30 points.

To be confirmed If the penalty of defeat, which would occur from the 45th day of non-compliance, was applied, the Azoreans would lose those 30 points, since the 24th day. A subtraction that would put Santa Clara with 36 points, a score that would give a descent place to the Portuguese championship

The Union of Madeira, enjoying a three point gain in the match against Santa Clara, would 47 points, enough to stay in the second stage. In this scenario, we would descend Sp. Braga B in the third stage.

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