Does Elon Musk prepare a surprise? Will a Tesla smartphone be released?


Elon Musk is known for creating innovative products that have disrupted the markets in which they are located. Examples of this unique form are in Tesla and even in Space X and its rockets.

Of course, there are areas, sometimes smaller, where you bet and one of them seems to have been discovered now. Tesla Quadra Elon Musk smartphone "width =" 720 "height =" 405 "class =" aligncenter size-medium wp-image-526907 "srcset =" 07 / tesla_smartphone_0-720×405.jpg 720w,×84.jpg 150w, uploads / 2018/07 / tesla_smartphone_0-768×432.jpg 768w,×194.jpg 345w, wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / tesla_smartphone_0-50×28.jpg 50w, 800w "sizes =" (max-width: 720px) 100vw, 720px "/>

In addition to creating innovative devices, Tesla is also focused on empowering consumers to get the most out of their smartphone.

<img src =" https: //×405.jpg "alt =" users of their products some extras, which further improve their use, complementing each other perfectly.

New information in the form of images shows what can be a reality soon.

 Ella Musk Tesla Quadra Smartphone

These two images appeared on the SlashLeaks website and they say what is the back and front role of the Tesla Quadra, the brand's future smartphone, or at least so much expected.

In the fontal part one can see a big screen, with the presence of already familiar notch. In the back, we have the presence of the Tesla logo in large, and the space for a dual camera.

 Tesla Quadra Elon Musk smartphone

Tesla has already created extras dedicated to smartphones, but to help users keep their devices charged and always ready to use.

In fact, there is no real proof that this could be the Tesla smartphone, but your idea appeals to many who will be able to supplement your dream car with a matching smartphone.

Other Tesla devices dedicated to smartphones

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