Domestic potato production is likely to be affected by the Guatemalan mite


The secretary general of the Porbatata Association said Wednesday in Lusa that there was a risk that potato production would be affected by the Guatemalan papacy, causing "very serious economic effects" and warning of the need for economic support.

"It is a devastating tuber plague, in the fields as well as in the warehouses, which almost completely destroys the crops and we are very concerned that this situation could have serious economic consequences." […] "If the plague enters [em Portugal] there may be compensation for producers and stockists," Sandra Pereira told Lusa.

She added: "It is a quarantine organism, the name indicates, the origin is from Central America, it came to the Canaries and later entered the north of In Spain, there is a risk of reaching Portugal because of the commercial channels.According to the official, Portugal already has an emergency plan for the pest, the responsibility of the Directorate General of The Food and Veterinary Products (DGAV), which provides for "measures to contain and monitor the pest", to prevent their arrival Portugal or to minimize damage. "If the plague enters Portugal, Very drastic measures must be taken, "he warned.

However, the Secretary-General of Porbatata said that at the present time the only measure that can be taken is prevention, pointing out that this parasite is confused with the common borer of the potato, which makes it difficult to 9, identification producers. "The DGAV and the Ministry of Agriculture are monitoring and have placed traps in areas where the insect can enter. This is what can be done at the moment," he said. said.

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