Embraer drop 14% after the conclusion of an agreement with Boeing; Eletrobras falls 8% and Ecorodovias jumps 6% with recommendation


  Embraer 190 - aviation

SÃO PAULO – After opening the session on Thursday (5) on a higher, turning down and falling by 1.32%, Ibovespa softens losses and is getting closer to stability, with a negative variation of 0.25%, at 74.553 points.

As the US stock markets regain strength after the July 4th holiday, some newspapers corrected the resumption of yesterday's session, which was less liquid. Eletrobras (ELET3, ELET6) and Petrobras (PETR3, PETR4) posted losses, while Vale shares (VALE3) rose sharply during this session and reduced to zero the weekly declines. But the big moment was for Embraer (EMBR3), which dropped after announcing the long-awaited deal with Boeing.

Discover the highlights of today 's trading session:

Embraer (EMBR3)

He gets up in the rumor, he falls in fact. Embraer closed the trading session with a sharp decline after announcing Thursday morning the memorandum of understanding signed with Boeing, in which the two companies establish the premises for the combination of activities in the segment of commercial aviation . The protocol, preliminary and non-binding, is approved by the board of directors of the company. The value attributed to the new commercial aviation company is 4.75 billion US dollars. According to BTG Pactual, the evaluation of Embraer's commercial aviation segment has been below expectations – however, the value still represents a upside potential compared to the current price of the assets of the company. ;business.

"The deal was good, but the paper had risen nearly 15% last week, in addition to news speculating on this transaction. In the end, the stock makes the gains and there were speculations that it could come an offer But reading is structurally positive for Embraer, "says Karel Luketic, chief analyst at XP Investimentos.

In the statement, the company explains that the operation will include the creation of a joint venture in which Embraer will have 20% and Boeing 80%, which will develop the commercial aviation business currently being developed by the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer.According to the agreement, Boeing will pay 3 , 8 billion US dollars to Embraer

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Defense Cases & Security and executive throws, enters the very, will not be separated for the new company and will continue to be developed by Embraer

Read (19659005)

Itaú BBA recommends to buy Gerdau shares and sell Ibovespa, because a positive outlook for Gerdau is supported by expectations of good results in the second quarter of 2018 and the recent underperformance, according to analyst Marcos Assumpção, who reiterated its outperformance, with a target price of R $ 20. Gerdau is the main choice of Itaú among steel stocks in Brazil

Itaú expects Gerdau EBITDA to increase by more than 40% to 1.6 billion reais, thanks US margins, the appreciation of the dollar and improved margins in Brazil. The analyst also maintains an open recommendation of June 19 to buy Suzano (SUZB3) and sell Ibovespa; always sees a good potential for Suzano.

Petrobras (PETR3, PETR4)

Petrobras shares rose more than 1% amid the news of the company, but soon calmed and fell in the first hour of trading floor. WTI oil prices, which began the day off, are now down about 1.5 percent after a surprise increase in US crude stocks.

In addition, foreign investors, after the US holiday, pocketed a portion of the profits after the strong performance of the roles over the past nine sessions. Yesterday, the day was very positive for Petrobras, with the House rejecting the highlights and the onerous Bill of Assignment now going to the Senate, the same day that the TCU revised the rule that eliminates the obstacle to the achievement of the auction again this year.

After passing through the House of Deputies last night, Petrobras' draft law on expensive surrender must be approved in the Senate before July 17, when Congress goes on vacation, according to a report Bradesco BBI signed by analyst Vicente Falanga. The agreement with Petrobras on a 2010 contract review is expected to take place within 30 days of the approval of the bill in the Senate.

The vote in the Chamber of Deputies is positive because it is part of the necessary measures to solve the problem. of the expensive assignment with Petrobras in an auction of surplus production scheduled for November, highlights the analysis of the bank.

– Petrobras: Justice suspends the action of the Brazilian minority against the state See also:
– Understanding the news that pushed Petrobras to shoot 5% and to earn R $ 12.5 billion in market value [19659006] Still serving the state's news, the São Paulo State Court has suspended the civil suit brought by the Minority Investors Association against Petrobras, alleging losses related to deviations in the company investigated by the Lava Jato operation. The decision of the 6th Civil Court of the TJ-SP found that the case should be settled by arbitration, as provided by the statutes of the company.

Monday, the Brazilian state company paid the second installment of a settlement of $ 2, 95 million dollars made in the United States to terminate the shares of shareholders of this country under the same allegation, losses due to corruption found by Lava Jato in the affairs of the company.

Aidmin's president, Aurelio Valporto, considered "unfortunate" decision of the São Paulo judicial system and declared that he would appeal. He noted that the same case occurred with the minority action against the losses caused by the businessman Eike Batista, when an arbitration was requested by the & # 39; 39, lawyer Sergio Bermuda and denied by the justice

"The Constitution in its article 5, article 35, of course, everyone has the right to appeal to the courts (the law does not exempt the power judicial review of any infringement or threat to the law), and arbitration does not belong to the judiciary, "he argues.Valporto also criticized the Brazilian court for failing to take the capital market seriously and reaffirmed that there is no protection for minority shareholders in Brazil.

Eletrobras (ELET3; ELET6)

Eletrobras shares have fallen sharply with investors gaining pocket. the session, assets climbed nearly 9% in the wake of the good news for the 39 company, which led ON actions to increase by 18%. The plenary of the House of Representatives approved last night, by 203 votes in favor, 123 opposed and three abstentions, the basic text of the bill that makes possible the privatization of six electricity distributors of Eletrobras in the northern region. The highlights are still in the process of voting, which may further modify the proposal.

The six distributors that can be offered for sale are: Amazonas Energia, Centralis Elétricas de Rondônia (Ceron), and the president of the company, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), should be voted next week . (CEPALC), Companhia Energética de Alagoas (Ceal), Companhia de Energia do Piauí (Cepisa) and Boa Vista Energia, which serves Roraima. According to the rapporteur of the proposal, the MP Julio Lopes (PP-RJ), the measure will allow the electricity supply in the states of the North to become

"The reality that we live today. The fact is that these companies are all in a deficit, accumulating debt and debt of $ 1 billion, while providing services whose quality and efficiency indicators are unsatisfactory, "said Mr. Lopes. In justifying the measure, the congressman argued that in the first quarter of 2018, the results of the Eletrobras distribution segment was a deficit of R $ 1.91 billion, and only Amazonas Distribution had a loss of R $ 1.32 billion.

The mayor said during tonight's session that he intends to guide the bill that allows for the privatization of the country. Eletrobras (PL 9.463 / 2018) only after the elections, in agreement with the The party authorizes and details the project of issuing new shares of the company in the financial market until the Union ceases to have control.

"I understand that at this time our priority was [votação da] onerous cession [de áreas da Petrobras no pré-sal]] will be the distributors.And the privatization of Eletrobras will, at any time, from November, the priority of the next President of the Republic – whatever it may be, "said Maia.


Recommendations also take on importance in the market. Localiza (RENT3) had a strong recommendation of Buy by HSBC, with a target price of R $ 27.10, while Ecorodovias (ECOR3) had a strong recommendation to outperform (above-market performance), with the target price up by 7.45 at R $ 12, by Bradesco BBI

Elekeiroz (ELEK3)

The investment fund Kilimanjaro Brasil Partners has decided to close the capital of the chemical company Elekeiroz and registered a request for public offer for the acquisition of shares of the company. came after Itaúsa holding company (ITSA4) completed the sale of its stake in Elekeiroz to Kilimanjaro's parent company, HIG Capital, earlier this month.

According to the company's Kilimanjaro press release, assessment report (Cesp (CESP6)

Cesp is finalizing negotiations for an agreement with the Attorney General of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, of an amount of R $ 5.83 and R $ 6.39.

South and the state municipalities that should allow the extinction of R $ 2.2 billion in the lawsuits brought by the state and the cities against the company.

The company said that, in exchange, the release of the judicial deposits constituted in these (BBSE3)

BB Seguridade approved the payment of 583 R $ millions, and the additional payment of R $ 52 million in environmental pecuniary bonds, spread over ten years.

Multiplan (MULT3)

Multiplan convenes AGE to discuss a split of 1 to 3 The Assembly will take place on July 20th at 4:00 pm in Rio de Janeiro, January

( With Agência Brasil, Agência Estado and Bloomberg)

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