Energy consumption in the world increases by 2.2% in 2017


World energy consumption rose 2.2% last year, the highest growth since 2013, reveals the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2018. The annual survey carried out by the international oil company was presented this morning in Lisbon, in a conference organized in partnership with Expresso

According to the head of natural gas of the company, Anne-Sophie Corbeu, who presented the main conclusions of this study, this growth is due to the increase in consumption China and India, but in general the reasons for this scenario were the improvement of the world economy and the l 39; increased production in factories, that is, activities that consume a lot of energy.

According to the study, the source The energy consumption that increased the most in 2017 was natural gas, 3% more than in 2016. But oil also continued to grow, more precisely 1.8% and, this time, above the annual average of 1.2% in the last d And last year, coal consumption also increased, from l 39; 1%, which is a step back from the energy transition and decarbonisation work that has been done around the world, says Anne.

(19659002) In fact, according to the President of the Portuguese Association of Renewable Energies (APREN), António Sá da Costa, "decarbonisation is very important", but the pace at which it will be achieved depends on many factors that change from one country to another and depends a lot on the "costs", but also on the acceptance of the people who

that is why the vice president of the 39; Energy Agency (ADENE), Maria João Coelho, also present in the conference debate, said that she has doubts about our transition to the world.

BP bets on natural gas and less on oil

For BP, in order to achieve the decarbonization objectives defined in the world, it requires a lot of effort. more than just the bet on renewable energy. According to Peter Mather, vice president of the European oil company, if natural gas consumption increases to replace coal consumption, it will also help reduce emissions.

BP decided to invest more in natural gas exploration than in oil, specifically 60% in gas and 40% in oil. "We will not give up oil but we will bet more on gas," said Peter Mather. Renewable energies are also important for BP, which plans to invest $ 500 million in cleaner energy sources such as solar energy or biofuels and in countries where these energies are strong. , like biofuel in Brazil.

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